1961-Berlin Wall Built

About after midnight on August 13 German soldiers and Construction workers quickly built a barrier consisting of concrete posts and barbed wire on the border of west and east Berlin. When the Berliners woke up they were stuck on whichever side they had previously fell asleep on. For nearly 30 years the Berliners were stuck behind the Berlin Wall.
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Rosenberg Case 1953

The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Julius was and electrical engineer who worked for the U.S. army signal corps. In 1942, Julius and Ethel became full members in the American Communist Party. By 1943, however, the Rosenbergs dropped out of the Communist Party to pursue Julius's espionage activities. Early in 1945, Julius was fired from his job with the Signal Corps when his past membership in the Communist Party came to light.  They were indicted for conspiracy to transmit classified military information to the Soviet Union. The trial against the Rosenbergs began on March 6, 1951. From the beginning, the trial attracted a high amount of media attention and generated a largely polarized response from observers, some of whom believed the Rosenbergs to be clearly guilty, and others who asserted their innocence. The government investigated the Soviet spy-rings in the U.S. and more arrests were made. Julius and Ethel were both found guilty for telling the Soviet Union information about the atomic bomb. and received the death sentence.

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McCarthyism 1954

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty or treason without proper evidence was an American politician originally aligned with the United States Democratic Party and later with the United States Republican Party. McCarthy served as a U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 to 1957. Senator Joseph McCarthy in the United States accused the U.S. army of "Coddling Communists."  As many as twenty million Americans watched the combative senator demolish people who had no chance to defend themselves. On February 20, 1950 McCarthy addressed the senate. He made a list of dubious claims against suspected communists. He had a list of 81 on that day with no evidence and the senate called for a full investigation. Some Republicans in the senate were surprised, but others like Robert Taft and Richard Nixon were for McCarthy. The public rewarded McCarthy for his doings.
US Histroy Book

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1961-Bay of Pigs Invasion

The Bay of Pigs invasion was a attempt to back the Cuban exiles from overthrowing the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. This was unsuccessful.

On April 17, 1961 1300 Cuban exiles got hold of U.S. weapons and landed in Bahía de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs). They tried to get help to cross over the island to Havana. President Kennedy could have sent Air Troops against the Cuban but decided not to. Even without the help Castro managed to stop the invasion. By the end of the fight 90 exiles were killed and the rest were take as prisoners. 

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