April 24-30, 1970
Cambodian leader Lon Nol refused to be under control of Communist China and Vietnam.U.S. President Nixon Orders a secret invasion of "Parrot's Beak"Cambodia to destroy enemy supply bases on 26 April. He keeps this order a secret knowing that Military officials would oppose to the idea.On April 30th, US and South Vietnam invade Cambodia to attack North Vietnam military bases. Nixon's decision on attacking Cambodia let the anti-war movement. The news of the bombing was revealed through the New York Times and American college campuses erupt in protest. More than 250 State Department and foreign aid employees signed a letter to Secretary of State William Rogers criticizing U.S. military involvement in Cambodia. President's secret operation angered National Security Council staff who reigned soon after.
U.S. History Book
History Commons
U.S. Army Canter of Military History
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